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Girls: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: SI FA# MI7+/9 MI6/9 SI MI Bite your face to spite your nose SI MI 17 and a half years old SI MI I'm worrying about my brother finding out SI MI What's the fun in doing what you're told? MI7+/9 I said "No!" SI 'Oh give it a rest, I could persuade you MI7+/9 I'm not your typical, stoned 18 year old SI SOL#m7 Give me a night I'll make you' MI7+/9 "I know you're looking for salvation in the secular age SI SOL#m7 But girl I'm not your savior" MI7+/9 Wrestle to the ground FA#4/6 God help me now because SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 They're just girls breaking hearts SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 Eyes bright, uptight, just girls SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 But she can't be what you need if she's 17 SI FA#/SI They're just girls MI7+/9 They're just girls MI7+/9 A pair of frozen hands to hold Oh she's so southern so she feels the cold MI7+/9 One moment I was tearing off your blouse Now you're living in my house What happened to just messing around? MI7+/9 I said "Yo, I think I better go, SI SOL#m7 I can't take you MI7+/9 You just sit and get stoned with 30 year olds SI SOL#m7 and you think you've made it" MI7+/9 'Well, shouldn't you be fucking with somebody SI SOL#m7 your age instead of making changes?' MI7+/9 Wrestle to the ground FA#4/6 God help me now because SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 They're just girls breaking hearts SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 Eyes bright, uptight, just girls SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 But she can't be what you need if she's 17 SI FA#/SI They're just girls MI7+/9 They're just girls SOL#m7 I told her from the start Destined to be hard I told her from the start I'll break your heart Destined to be hard Break your heart MI7+/9 I said "Yo, I think I better go SI SOL#m7 I can't take you" MI7+/9 I know you're looking for salvation in the secular age SI SOL#m7 But girl I'm not your savior" MI7+/9 'Well, shouldn't you be fucking SI SOL#m7 with somebody your age instead of making changes?' MI7+/9 Wrestle to the ground FA#4/6 God help me now because SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 They're just girls breaking hearts SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 Eyes bright, uptight, just girls SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 But she can't be what you need if she's 17 SI FA#/SI They're just girls MI7+/9 They're just girls SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 'Cause They're just girls breaking hearts SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 Eyes bright, uptight, just girls SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 But she can't be what you need if she's 17 SI FA#/SI They're just girls MI7+/9 They're just girls SI FA#/SI MI7+/9 'Cause they're just girls... SI FA#/SI MI7+/9
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Girls: Video

Girls è un brano composto e inciso dai The 1975, contenuto nell'album eponimo pubblicato nel 2013. Disco d'esordio per la band di Manchester, riscuote grande successo specialmente in patria dove raggiunge la prima posizione della Official Albums Chart. La canzone è l'undicesima traccia dell'album, una vivace e ben ritmata ballata pop in cui l'arrangiamento a tratti elettronico si mischia ad interessanti elementi di puro funk, dando maggior movimento ed energia.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).