Slow It Down
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Slow It Down: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!REb I'd never met you, REb6 but I wanted to invite you to the party LAb Then you walked in with those green eyes, LAb7+ never stolen by nobody REb And they flicker to the future, REb6 for a moment, I could picture LAb Then you touch me and I come back, LAb7+ and we're talking on the staircase REb 'Bout your big dreams on the big screens REb6 LAb Out of Georgia, now you're lonely in this city LAb7+ Lyin' with me, and you're scared it's movin' quickly REb Oh, now you're crying, you're in pieces REb6 LAb 'Cause the only love you've ever known is Jesus I can feel it LAb7+ Oh, I hate that I'm the reason FAm MIb/SOL LAb MIb REb That you're in your head right now FAm MIb/SOL LAb MIb REb While your world is spi--nning out REb So slow it down, take a moment now LAb We're too young to drown deep in dirty waters REb Full of hopeless doubt, let me pull you out LAb Let me hold you now, let me slow it down REb Ain't it funny how it changes? How the future rearranges LAb I get nervous, oh, I'm anxious Maybe loving you is dangerous REb I could lose you like the others LAb Only girl that's never left me is my mother Oh, I love her And I know you'll probably hate it FAm MIb/SOL LAb MIb REb But I'm in my head right now REb So slow it down, take a moment now LAb We're too young to drown deep in dirty waters REb Full of hopeless doubt, let me pull you out LAb Let me hold you now, let me (slow it down) REb SIbm Slow it down when you're on the ground LAb And you're crying, I'm trying (slow it down) REb SIbm To slow it down when you're spinning 'round LAb MIb In your he----ad FAm MIb/SOL LAb MIb REb Ooh... FAm MIb/SOL LAb MIb REb I'll help you slow it down
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Slow It Down: Video
Slow It Down è un brano scritto e interpretato da Benson Boone, contenuto nell'album Fireworks & Rollerblades pubblicato nel 2024. Disco d'esordio per l'artista statunitense, che già era ben noto a livello internazionale con alcuni singoli di successo, si rivela l'ennesimo colpo vincente superando il milione di copie vendute! La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto ed è scritta insieme a Connor McDonough, Jackson LaFrantz Larsen, Jason Evigan e Riley McDonough. Un'intensa ballata pop-rock dal ritmo incalzante.
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