The Captain of Her Heart
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The Captain of Her Heart: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REb6/9 SIbm LAb6 It was way past mid--night SOLb7+ And she still couldn't fall asleep SIbm LAb6 SOLb7+ This night the dream was leavin' She tried so hard to keep SIbm LAb6 And with the new day's dawning MIb She felt it driftin' away SOLb6 LAb Not only for a cruise SIbm7 Not only for a dayDO LAm7 LAb7+ SIb6 DO LAm7 Too long ago, too long apart LAb7+ SIb6 She couldn't wait another day for DO LAm7 LAb7+ SIb6 The captain of her heart DO LAm7 As the day came up she made a stop LAb7+ SIb6 She stopped waiting another day forREb6/9 The captain of her heart...DO LAm7 LAb7+ SIb6 DO LAm7 Too long ago, too long apart LAb7+ SIb6 She couldn't wait another day forREb6/9 The captain of her heart... SIbm LAb6 SOLb7+ SIbm LAb6 SOLb7+ SIbm LAb6 MIb SOLb6 LAb SIbm7DO LAm7 LAb7+ SIb6 DO LAm7 Too long ago, too long apart LAb7+ SIb6 She couldn't wait another day for DO LAm7 LAb7+ SIb6 The captain of her heart DO LAm7 As the day came up she made a stop LAb7+ SIb6 She stopped waiting another day for DO LAm7 LAb7+ SIb6 The captain of her heart DO LAm7 Too long ago, too long apart LAb7+ SIb6 She couldn't wait another day for DO LAm7 LAb7+ SIb6 The captain of her heart... DO LAm7 LAb7+ SIb6
Autori: Felix Haug, Kurt MalooGenerato su Accordi e Spartiti -
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The Captain of Her Heart: Video
The Captain of Her Heart è un brano composto e inciso dai Double, contenuto nell'album Blue pubblicato nel 1985. Disco d'esordio per il duo di Zurigo, fa seguito ad una carrellata di singoli che riscossero ottimo successo in tutta Europa come "Nanningo", "Rangoon Moon" e "Woman of the World". Questa canzone, però, si rivelò il punto più alto della loro carriera e si presenta come una ballata pop la cui protagonista aspetta sconsolata l'arrivo del suo uomo; degno di nota è il riff di pianoforte che accompagna il ritornello.
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