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Cure Me: Accordi

100 Esercizi di Chitarra, scopri il nuovo libro Bestseller!
Intro: DOadd9 REadd9 DOadd9 REadd9 DOadd9 REadd9 RE5 DO6 RE5 RE5 DO6 RE5 RE5 DO6 Oh what a pleasure it is being crashed RE5 by the power of thinking DO6 RE5 The scents in the air can smell the events DO6 RE5 But there's no way to touch anything now DO6 RE5 I'm just fascinated by the smoke from this candle RE MIm7 Cure me, you know I would die for it SOLadd9 RE I would die for it, I would die for it MIm7 Cure me, you know I would die for it SOLadd9 RE I would die for it, I would die for it RE5 I think I'm free from all the stuff RE5 DO6 I always have to bring with me yeah RE5 And I swear it's a daily habit not DO6 a way to hide something RE5 DO6 But still bad enough for me that I'm so blind RE5 I won't take my eyes off the smoke from the candle RE MIm7 Cure me, you know I would die for it SOLadd9 RE I would die for it, I would die for it MIm7 Cure me, you know I would die for it SOLadd9 RE I would die for it, I would die for it DOadd9 SOL7+/SI I just need to love this little bit of madness LAm7/4 It's not a state of mind DOadd9 RE And not a way to hide something DOadd9 SOL7+/SI It's just good enough for me to enjoy it LAm7/4 Even if can't take my eyes off DOadd9 RE7+/9 The smoke from the candle DOadd9 SOL/SI Cure me, I just need to be touched LAm7/4 by silence and noise DO7+/9 REadd9 You cure me just with time DOadd9 SOL7+/SI You cure me I just need to be touched LAm7/4 by silence and noise DO7+/9 REadd9 You cure me just with time DOadd9 SOL7+/SI SIbadd9 FA SOL Cure me with no words but air, just air, just ai--r RE MIm7 Cure me, you know I would die for it SOLadd9 RE I would die for it, simply die for it MIm7 Cure me, you know I would die for it SOLadd9 RE Simply die for it, I would die for it MIm7 Cure me, you know I would die for it SOLadd9 RE Simply die for it, I would die for it Cure me, cure me MIm7 Cure me, cure me SOLadd9 Cure me, cure me RE Cure me, cure me
100 Esercizi di Chitarra, scopri il nuovo libro Bestseller!


Copyright: © SUGARMUSIC S.P.A.

Cure Me: Video

Cure Me è un brano scritto e interpretato da Elisa, all'anagrafe Elisa Toffoli, contenuto nell'album Pipes & Flowers pubblicato nel 1997. Disco d'esordio per la cantautrice triestina, è interamente in inglese ed è il frutto del fortunato incontro con Caterina Caselli e la sua Sugar, ma anche con l'arrangiatore Corrado Rustici. La canzone è il quarto singolo estratto: un pezzo alternative rock scelto per la colonna sonora del film "La prima volta" di Massimo Martella.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).