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When You Say Nothing at All: Chords

100 Esercizi di Chitarra, scopri il nuovo libro Bestseller!
Intro: MIb SIb LAb SIb MIb SIb LAb SIb MIb SIb LAb It's amazing how you SIb MIb SIb LAb SIb can speak right to my heart MIb SIb LAb Without saying a word SIb MIb SIb LAb SIb you can light up the dark LAbadd9 SIbadd9 Try as I may I could never explain MIb SIb LAb SIb what I hear when you don't say a thing MIb SIb The smile on your face LAb SIb lets me know that you need me MIb SIb There's a truth in your eyes LAb SIb saying you'll never leave me MIb SIb The touch of your hand LAb SIb LAb/DO SIb/RE says you'll catch me if ever I fall LAb SIb You say it best MIb SIb LAb SIb when you say nothing at all MIb SIb LAb SIb MIb SIb LAb All day long I can hear SIb MIb SIb LAb SIb people talking out loud MIb SIb LAb But when you hold me near SIb MIb SIb LAb SIb you drown out the crowd LAb SIb Old Mister Webster could never define MIb SIb LAb SIb What's being said between your heart and mine MIb SIb The smile on your face LAb SIb lets me know that you need me MIb SIb There's a truth in your eyes LAb SIb saying you'll never leave me MIb SIb The touch of your hand LAb SIb LAb/DO SIb/RE says you'll catch me if ever I fall LAb SIb You say it best MIb SIb LAb SIb when you say nothing at all... MIb SIb LAb SIb MIb SIb LAb SIb LAb MIb SIb The smile on your face LAb SIb lets me know that you need me MIb SIb There's a truth in your eyes LAbadd9 saying you'll never leave me... MIb SIb The touch of your hand LAb SIb says you'll catch me if ever I fall LAb SIb You say it best MIb SIb LAbadd9 when you say nothing at all... MIb SIb LAbadd9 MIb SIb LAb MIb SIb LAb
100 Esercizi di Chitarra, scopri il nuovo libro Bestseller!



When You Say Nothing at All: Video

When You Say Nothing at All è un brano reinterpretato magistralmente da Alison Krauss, la cui versione è contenuta nell'album Keith Whitley: A Tribute Album pubblicato nel 1994. Si tratta di un disco nato per commemorare il grande artista country Keith Whitley, morto nel 1989 a soli trentacinque anni, al quale partecipano molti colleghi di fama internazionale. L'artista dell'Illinois Alison è una di questi, presentandoci uno dei cavalli di battaglia di Whitley. Risale al 1988 e porta la firma di Paul Overstreet e Don Schlitz.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).