Downtown Train
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Downtown Train: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIb LAb SIb MIb LAb SIb MIb LAb SIb MIb Outside another yellow moon LAb SIb MIb Punched a hole in the nighttime, yes LAb SIb MIb I climb through the window and down the street LAb SIb LAb Shining like a new dime SIb LAb The downtown trains are full MIb/SIb SIb With all those Brooklyn girls LAb/DO SIb/RE They try so hard to break out MIb of their little worlds LAb SIb MIb You wave your hand and they scatter like crows LAb They have nothing that SIb MIb will ever capture your heart LAb SIb MIb They're just thorns without the rose LAb SIb LAb Be careful of them in the dark SIb Oh if I was the one LAb SIb You chose to be your only one LAb/DO Oh baby can't you hear me now SIb/RE can't you hear me now MIb LAb Will I see you tonight MIb LAb On a downtown train MIb LAb FAm7 Every night its just the same SIb MIb You leave me lonely, now LAb SIb MIb I know your window and I know it's late LAb SIb MIb I know your stairs and your doorway LAb SIb MIb I walk down your street and past your gate LAb SIb LAb I stand by the light at the four way SIb You watch them as they fall LAb They all have heart attacks LAb/DO They stay at the carnival SIb/RE But they'll never win you back MIb LAb Will I see you tonight MIb LAb MIb On a downtown train LAb FAm7 SIb Where Every night its just the same... MIb LAb MIb Will I see you tonight LAb MIb On a downtown train LAb FAm7 All of my dreams just fall like rain SIb MIb SIb MIb SIb All upon on a downtown train MIb LAb SIb MIb SIb MIb SIb MIb LAb SIb SIb4 MIb LAb Will I see you tonight MIb LAb On a downtown train MIb LAb Every night FAm7 SIb Every night its just the same... MIb LAb MIb Will I see you tonight LAb MIb On a downtown train LAb FAm7 All of my dreams just fall like rain SIb MIb All upon on a downtown train LAb SIb MIb All upon on a downtown train LAb SIb MIb All upon on a downtown train LAb SIb MIb LAb SIb MIb All upon on a downtown train...
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Tutto il contenuto si intende esclusivamente a uso didattico, di studio e di ricerca. Esso non è tratto da alcuna pubblicazione, ma è frutto esclusivamente di libere interpretazioni personali.L'utilizzazione di tali materiali è consentita unicamente a fini didattici e ne è vietata qualsiasi utilizzazione a scopi commerciali quali, a titolo esemplificativo, la pubblicazione a mezzo stampa oppure online oppure mediante pubblica rappresentazione.
Downtown Train: Video
Downtown Train è un brano scritto e interpretato da Tom Waits, contenuto nell'album Rain Dogs pubblicato nel 1985. Nono disco di inediti per il cantautore californiano, segna la sua definitiva apertura alla sperimentazione musicale abbandonando la comfort zone di stampo jazzistico verso generi come il folk e il rock. La canzone venne alla ribalta internazionale grazie alla versione di Rod Stewart che la inserì nella sua raccolta The Best of Rod Stewart uscita nel 1989.
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