Go Tell It on the Mountain
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Go Tell It on the Mountain: Accordi
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!FA Go, Tell It On The Mountain, DO7 FA Over the hills and everywhere Go, Tell It On The Mountain SOLm DO7 FA That Jesus Christ is born FA While shepherds kept their watching DO7 FA Over silent flocks by night, Behold throughout the heavens, SOL7 DO7 There shone a holy light FA Go, Tell It On The Mountain, DO7 FA Over the hills and everywhere Go, Tell It On The Mountain SOLm DO7 FA That Jesus Christ is born FA The shepherds feared and trembled DO7 FA When low above the earth Rang out the angel chorus SOL7 DO7 That hailed our Saviour's birth FA Go, Tell It On The Mountain, DO7 FA Over the hills and everywhere Go, Tell It On The Mountain SOLm DO7 FA That Jesus Christ is born FA Down in a lowly manger DO7 FA Our humble Christ was born And God send us salvation, SOL7 DO That blessed Christmas morn FA Go, Tell It On The Mountain, DO7 FA Over the hills and everywhere Go, Tell It On The Mountain SOLm DO7 FA That Jesus Christ is born FA When I am a seeker, DO7 FA I seek both night and day I seek the Lord to help me, SOL7 DO7 And He shows me the way FA Go, Tell It On The Mountain, DO7 FA Over the hills and everywhere Go, Tell It On The Mountain SOLm DO7 FA That Jesus Christ is born FA He made me a watchman DO7 FA Upon the city wall, And if I am a Christian, SOL7 DO7 I am the least of all FA Go, Tell It On The Mountain, DO7 FA Over the hills and everywhere Go, Tell It On The Mountain SOLm DO7 FA That Jesus Christ is born
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Go Tell It on the Mountain: Video
Go Tell It on the Mountain è un brano tradizionale natalizio appartenente al repertorio Spiritual afroamericano. Canzone scritta da John Wesley Work Jr. a cavallo tra il XIX e XX secolo all'interno della Fisk University di Nashville, capitale del Tennessee, non è altro che il riadattamento di un canto ancor più antico intitolato When I Was a Seeker cioè "Quando ero un predicatore". Pubblicato nel 1907 nella raccolta "Folk Songs of the American Negro" cita nel testo il passo del Vangelo in cui viene annunciata la nascita di Gesù, diventata poi simbolo della liberazione del popolo nero dalla schiavitù.
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